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Saturday, November 21, 2009

This and That: Blog Updates and a Break from the Daily Grind

Where is Moldova?

Since this blog’s inception in late September, I’ve been amazed at the amount of traffic it’s received from all over the United States and the world. 

Capriana Monastery in Moldova

Visitors from Texas, New York, Louisiana, and Illinois, as well as Moldova,  Pakistan, Egypt, Scotland, and Canada have somehow found their way to my little blog.   It really is a small world!  So, I added a fun feature over in the left panel:  a map that shows where visitors are from.  I just added it a few days ago, so it only includes recent visits, but over time, it should be interesting to see how small this world really is.

Receive Updates Via Email.  At the very top of this page is new feature that allows you sign up to receive an email whenever the blog is updated.  That way, you don’t have to keep checking back in, only to find that nothing new is here.  Between work, family, and sleeping, I sometimes go a couple a weeks between posts, and I surely don’t want to lose readers because of it!  So, please subscribe!  If you prefer RSS feeds, scroll down to the bottom of the page for several more options.

Blogs I Like. I’ve started a list of farm- and animal-related blogs (see the left panel) that I enjoy reading myself.  Check them out; they’re a fun read.

A Break from the Daily Grind

Life can get hectic for all of us, and sometimes we’re moving so fast we don’t even pause to enjoy the small things that create happiness in our daily lives.  So, today I’m paying tribute to the men in my life and some of the little ways they make my life fun.
Ryangoofy Both of my boys are introverts, but around the house you’d never know it.  They are entertainers extraordinaire.  My son Ryan is an excellent mimic, and his imitations of Gollum from the “Lord of the Rings” movies and Peter from the TV show, “Family Guy,” never fail to entertain.  He picks up on little-known phrases from movies and television, funny tidbits that others might miss, and entertains us with perfect renditions. 

100_0666My son Jeff is an astute observer; he notices the little things about people and places, and he’s not bashful about pointing them out.  This has resulted in some very accurate, and very funny, observations.  Some of them are sweet, like “Mom, you smell as good as a popsicle!”  Others are offbeat, like the one uttered with a smile on a foggy winter day:  “The air smells like white toenails.”  Only he knows what that means, but you have to admit it’s original.   

PagebbqMy sweet man—he loves to cook, and he especially loves to grill outdoors.  He’s funny, wise, and good with people.  Since he joined our home, my boys have gained confidence and maturity.  I’ve been a single parent since they were 6 and 5, and I’ve done a decent job, but Page has brought balance--in the form of a positive male influence--into their lives.  As for me, Page makes me laugh every single day.

Happy Buffalo Ranching

A prominent theory in the field of psychology postulates that humans strive for the highest level of their abilities, using their creativity to reach a pinnacle of consciousness and wisdom.  But, humans cannot achieve this level of “self-actualization” until certain basic needs are met, in ascending order:  physiological needs (food, water); safety needs; needs of love, affection, and belongingness; and needs for esteem, both self-esteem and the esteem earned from others.
bisongrazing2 The happiness Page and I get from each other and the boys allows us to dream and reach for that which fulfills our need for creativity and growth.  The excitement of building a business that requires us to learn new skills and think creatively has energized both of us.  Page and I, and even Ryan and Jeff, are all looking forward to a new experience:   happy buffalo ranching!
We cannot really love anybody without whom we never laugh.
-- Alice Reppler

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